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Multiplying Conversions by Seven: Driving a Digital Transformation in a Law Publishing Firm


A leading law publishing company was stuck in the rigidity of paper-based practices. A change in ownership, however, brought fresh eyes and ambitions to the organisation - a drive to migrate the firm to the digital platform. We stepped into this dynamic as User Experience (UX) Consultants, tasked with navigating through uncharted territory and transforming challenges into opportunities.


Our responsibilities were four-fold:

Drive the digital transformation as leading UX specialists.

Simple illustration of 3 users inside circles. There is another circle in the centre with a device and circular arrows connecting the users

Embed a user-centred design approach within the company.

Simple illustration of two people inside circles and 2 dialog bubbles

Recruiting users for discovery research.

Mapping  the user journey of a customer care staff member.

The primary challenges were:
Simple illustration of a dialog bubble with an interrogation

Overcoming the company's need for more knowledge about User Experience (UX) and User-Centred Design (UCD).

Simple illustration of some buildings

Managing the organisational changes and issues due to a change in ownership.

Simple illustration of a world map with a dialog bubble

Navigating the difficulties in user research recruitment due to the company's non-digital tradition and the high international profile of the customers.


To overcome these challenges, we decided to break down the project into several stages:
Simple illustration of a chess piece in front of a paper with an X and a circle and an arrow going from the X to the circle

Understanding the Business

We initiated a management workshop to identify departmental needs and goals, explore potential collaborations, highlight the importance of a user-centred approach, and understand the company's processes.

Simple illustration of a paper document with an overlay of a line and a bar graph

Embracing Research

In the belief that there is only user experience with user feedback, we analysed a sample of 500 responses from a marketing survey of 15,000 users.

Simple illustration of a persons head and a dialog bubble

Engaging the Users

To gain access to high-profile users, we collaborated with the editorial team. Successfully establishing a stable flow of three users per week for research sessions. Various research methods were employed, including remote interviews, usability testing, and contextual inquiries.

Simple illustration of a lightbulb with a pencil inside

Developing and Testing Design Ideas

To avoid the common pitfall of fixating on a single design solution, we designed and facilitated co-design activities, sketching multiple ideas and sharing them with users and stakeholders. Based on their feedback, we wire-framed and tested the preferred solutions, selecting the best version for further iteration and optimisation.

Simple illustration of 4 users connected by green arrows and a dialog bubble in the centre

Spreading the Word

To ensure research-triggered action, we held fortnightly meetings with the heads of department and the CEO to share the findings and insights of the latest research, explore ways they could improve their departments, and update the research goals.


As a result of these concerted efforts, the company saw a remarkable seven-fold increase in primary goal conversions and a 4.5 times improvement in average secondary goals conversion. The law publisher transitioned successfully to the digital platform with a redesigned user-centric website. The first round of user research was so successful that additional part-time support team members were brought on board to manage future research sessions. Furthermore, our collaboration with the marketing, sales, and editorial departments led to various projects beyond the initial scope, such as the automation of their sales funnel.

This project demonstrates our ability as a UX agency to turn around complex situations, harness user feedback, and drive significant improvements in user engagement and conversion rates. For organisations facing similar challenges, we can provide insight and expertise to guide your digital transformation journey.

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